The 49 note velocity sensitive keyboard is a synth action with a medium tension. The full-size, piano-style keys are covered to protect against dirt and dust while also complementing the Impact LX design. With 4 velocity curves gradually increasing in dynamics there is a choice for any playing style. If you don't need velocity, 3 fixed velocity levels cater for a consistent output. Octave and transpose buttons as well as pitch bend and modulation wheels are within reach, so you can quickly shift the keyboard up or down as needed, or apply additional articulation with the wheels.
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There is more to the 4 Octave & Transpose buttons than meets the eye. 4 functions are selectable on the fly so you can make important changes at any time, even while you play. A key combination makes assignment quick and easy. Choices include sending out MIDI Program Messages, change the Global MIDI Channel or select any of Impact LX+'s 5 user presets with either the Octave or Transpose buttons.
Nine 30mm faders, 9 MIDI buttons and 8 encoders are at the center of Impact LX49's control panel. Each control is fully programmable to send any MIDI CC message for use with hardware or software MIDI products. Used with Nektar DAW integration, the controls take on a life of their own, providing flexible pre-mapped DAW control giving you the best of both worlds. Control settings can be stored in any of the 5 Impact LX+ presets for recall at any time. And if you switch Null on, any parameter values are stored when you change presets so you avoid parameter jumping.
For groove and beat creation, Impact LX'+s 8 velocity sensitive pads make life easy. Calibrated to trigger at a light touch, finger drumming is suddenly well within reach with a nice and even velocity response. Each pad can be assigned any MIDI note number or MIDI cc message for use as MIDI trigger or toggle buttons. But the best part is the "Pad Learn“ feature, which allows you to just select a pad, play the note or drum sound you want on the keyboard and assignment is done.
The 4 color LED illumination not only looks good but also indicate which pad map is currently loaded and can even tell you which type of MIDI message each pad sends. With Nektar DAW Integration, the pads are automatically mapped in for example Reason and Bitwig.. The two Clips and Scenes buttons are used in Bitwig to trigger...., Clips and Scenes.
Press mixer and the first 8 Impact LX+ faders are assigned to control 8 channels of your DAWs mixer. The alternate Bank up/down function moves control assignments to the next or previous group of 8 channels. The 9th fader is assigned to the currently selected channel so you always know where to find it.
The buttons under the faders follow the channel assignment of their corresponding fader and can control Mute or Solo. Pan for the group of 8 channels controlled by the faders is handled by the 8 pots. Fader 9 is used for control volume of the current mixer channel as well as master volume.
On the back of Impact LX+ are the connection points including:
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